Monday, June 29, 2020

Lockdowns, Then Masks. What's Next?

I supported the concept of lockdowns back in March, when we thought we were facing a new bubonic plague.  As more information rolled in, though, I saw they were useless except perhaps as a way to "flatten the curve" and buy time for hospitals to ramp up. 

But somewhere along the way, for reasons I've explained in other posts, the goal went from "flattening the curve" to "ending the virus".  Yearlong lockdowns, really? 

So many people have been locked up for so long that lockdowns became unenforceable, so the new attempt is masks.  This is laughable.  Some people wear masks with filters, which protect them but not anyone around them.  Some wear surgical or cloth masks, which do nothing to protect them but offer some slight protection to those around them.  Doesn't that sound insane?  Wear your cloth mask while standing next to someone with an N95 mask--and you have no protection at all.  But it's completely ok, and pushed by politicians who are seen to be doing something!

If I'm compelled to wear a mask when I go back to work in August, I'll wear one make of lace or some similar material.  It will do no one any good at all but it will completely comply with instructions to wear a mask.  Again, insane.

Here's my biggest concern.  For the first 55 years of my life, no one in government ever thought to make wearing a mask (aka a submission muzzle) mandatory.  I guarantee you that now that we've crossed the mask-wearing Rubicon, this will not be the last time politicians will tell us we are required to wear masks in public. 

When the mask novelty has worn off, what will be the next action they will force on us?

I'm reminded of the wise words of Daniel Webster:
Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.
Update, 6/30/20:  Gruesome Newsom closes down bars in several counties in California.  Have there been any confirmed cases at all of 'rona transmission in bars?  Any?  If not, or even if the number is small, then this action is not based on science.  It's entirely political.  Especially when Dems were cheering on non-socially-distanced rioters just a couple weeks ago.

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