Sunday, June 14, 2020

It's More Like A Bad Flu

Viruses have always been among us--"flu season" is a real thing.  The more we learn about this coronavirus, the more its effects are those of a bad flu season, and for this we pretty much shut down the planet and caused grievous harm to millions of people in the process:

Mounting evidence suggests the coronavirus is more common and less deadly than it first appeared.

The evidence comes from tests that detect antibodies to the coronavirus in a person's blood rather than the virus itself.

The tests are finding large numbers of people in the U.S. who were infected but never became seriously ill. And when these mild infections are included in coronavirus statistics, the virus appears less dangerous.

"The current best estimates for the infection fatality risk are between 0.5% and 1%," says Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

That's in contrast with death rates of 5% or more based on calculations that included only people who got sick enough to be diagnosed with tests that detect the presence of virus in a person's body.  NPR

Fatality rates would have been even lower if politicians hadn't ordered sick people be put in with non-sick older people in nursing homes.

So put your virtue-signaling masks away and act like human beings.  Enjoy your lives.

1 comment:

  1. Through April--so not even counting May or June--41% of black-owned businesses disappeared, 32% of Hispanic-owned, and 36% of immigrant-owned. Some of those are gone temporarily, but you can bet the number that never reopen will also be disproportionately skewed towards minority businesses--especially post-CHAZ.

    More businesses were lost in the last 3 months than all of the Great Recession [Axios]
