Saturday, June 06, 2020

Democratic Answers To Problems

Here’s the juice: urban police unions who block accountability for bad cops contribute to Dimocratic (sic) politicians running cities who haven’t elected Republicans in 50 years … yet somehow the cause of the problem is thrown at the feet of a President who’s only been in office 3-1/2 years?!?
And this:

(The Minneapolis date isn't exactly correct--the city had a Republican mayor for 1 day in 1973.)

And this:

And this:

And this:
Former civil rights activist Bob Woodson issued a sweeping indictment Tuesday of both the Black Lives Matter movement and the idea that "systemic racism" is the cause of African-American hardship in the U.S...
"It's more class than it is race ... and now race is being used to deflect attention away from the failures of people running those institutions," he added. "The question is why are black kids failing in school systems run by their own people?"
"When Eric Holder was a U.S. Attorney in Washington, D.C., a lot of young people were shot by the police, but they were black police shooting black kids and not one was prosecuted. But there was no public outcry because as long as illegality or evil wears a black face, then it escapes detection and that's what's wrong with looking life through the prism of race."
Woodson also suggested that much of black suffering was the result of Democratic leadership.
As an aside, San Francisco's last Republican mayor left office more than a year before I was born.  Currently only 1 of the top 10 largest cities in the United States has a Republican mayor, and that's #8, San Diego.

No, I'm not really interested in Democrats' so-called solutions to race issues in America.

Update, 6/7/20Orange Man Bad:
But, oh, the transmuting magic of partisanship! Minneapolis is a Democratic city, with a Democratic mayor and a Democratic city council (0.0 Republicans on that body), in a state with a Democratic governor and a Democratic state house; these are the people who hire police chiefs and organize police departments, who specify their procedures and priorities, who write the laws that the police are tasked with enforcing — Democrats and progressives practically to a man. (Not every member of the Minneapolis city council is a Democrat — there’s a Green, too.) That’s a lot of lefty power, hardly anything except lefty power — but, somehow, the bad guy in this story must be Donald Trump.

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