Thursday, May 07, 2020

The Speakeasy

Last night I visited my first speakeasy, sort of.  Some friends told me about a place where they were meeting for dinner.  I joined them.

The restaurant was only open for take-out, or so it seemed from the front.  The back part of the restaurant, though, hidden from view, was full of people enjoying dinner and a drink.  In fact, the booze was out on the counter, and people who had paid just went up and filled their own cups when they needed another round.  The other shops in the vicinity were closed, so it was easy to spread out cars so as not to make it look like people were congregating inside.

This is how Americans deal with governmental overreach.  We either ignore the rule or we fight it.  Last night we ignored.

My group took its food out back and "tailgated" around our vehicles.  We were there for a couple hours, mostly social distancing but having a great time just being together again.  Some brought their own beer, some bought drinks inside and brought them out, some of us didn't drink at all--but we all had a great time.

I plan on going to the next gathering.

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