Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Economics of Public Universities

Only government-run and government-funded organizations could possibly think that this makes sense:
The nearly 500,000 students enrolled in the California State University system’s 23 campuses should expect to pay full price for tuition this fall.

A spokeswoman for the system told The College Fix via email that tuition is expected to remain at the regular price despite the system’s decision to remain virtual for the fall 2020 semester.

“There are no plans to reduce tuition and campus-based mandatory fees at this time,” said CSU spokeswoman Toni Molle. “One of the benefits of announcing our planning now is to allow for additional professional development opportunities for faculty and staff over the summer which lead to the best possible learning experience that we can provide for students.”


  1. Anna A3:26 AM

    It will be interesting to see how many students and parents say, "Not on my dime"

    Also a number of classes cannot go virtual. I'm thinking of lab classes in the sciences. Watching a titration isn't the same as doing one.

  2. Yea UNR fired 24% of staff but will not be changing tuition.

    Thanks Alma Mater. So I guess I will be going back to logistics work. I will miss my research students but I won't miss working for the institution that cut our pay by 2/3 with furloughs and then fired us.

  3. USC actually announced a tuition HIKE, so it's not just state schools. https://www.dailynews.com/2020/05/14/usc-planned-tuition-hike-before-coronavirus-theyre-still-doing-it/
