Monday, May 11, 2020

How Bad Is The Coronavirus Shutdown Hurting California's Education Budget?

Outside of property taxes and a few fees, the only way government gets money in the treasury is taxing commerce.  No commerce, no tax revenue.  California is looking at a 25% budget deficit:
California’s projected $54 billion budget deficit will likely have a profound effect on Sacramento-area school districts, some of which were already facing dire financial outlooks before the coronavirus pandemic struck. But with the shutdown still in place, it may be weeks before districts have a solid grasp on what cuts will be necessary.

When Gov. Gavin Newsom released his January budget proposal, California public schools and community colleges were on track to receive $84 billion in funding mandated by the voter-approved formula that sets minimum school spending. Newsom’s administration called the number an “all-time high.”

The new projections released this week show guaranteed school funding at $18.3 billion below the earlier estimate.
They might freeze pay, and I don't think they'll cut daily pay rates, but furlough days wouldn't surprise me at all.

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