Saturday, May 30, 2020

Darn, I Came So Close

The happiest U.S. consumers are white, Republican, college-educated men who have full-time jobs, own their own homes and enjoy household incomes of over $100,000....  link
6 out of 7 ain't bad.


  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    And the consumers who get insulted and portrayed as stupid and out-of-touch the most in commercials are white, Republican, college-educated men who have full-time jobs, own their own homes and enjoy household incomes over $100k.

    -- Ann in L.A.

  2. Still 6 out of 7.

    That's better than Meatloaf's 2 out of 3, which ain't bad :-)

  3. 7 out of 7. I hope my happiness level is good enough for this study. I'd hate to be an outlier.

  4. Anna A3:27 AM

    I am quite satisfied with my happiness level even though I only got 4 out of 7. (And even if I got one more, I don't ever want to own a home again. That caused my happiness level to go straight down.)
