Sunday, April 12, 2020

You Want To See Privilege? Here Is Privilege.

I don't believe so-called white privilege exists, it's not the 1950's anymore.  I do believe that wealth brings privilege, and what better example of wealth and privilege is there than Harvard Law School?  Are these students incapable of looking in the mirror to see how bad they look?  Can they not smell the stink of their own privilege when they whine like this?
Nearly 200 third-year Harvard Law School students signed a letter to Law School administrators Thursday asking for the school to publicly advocate for an emergency diploma privilege — a policy granting graduating students their law licenses without requiring the bar examination.

The letter asked the Law School to take four specific actions on behalf of its students. These requests include issuing a public statement supporting the emergency diploma privilege across the United States; sharing the students’ letter with other law schools; sending a statement supporting the privilege to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts; and hosting a virtual town hall for students to discuss their needs with the administration.
This would be shameful if they were able to experience shame.


  1. Yeah, that's a perfect example of privilege.
    They seem to incapable of actual thought, in their zeal to get what they feel they deserve because of their status, and only the status.
    Imagine current medical grads, or engineering grads, demanding similar policy...

  2. Anna A3:13 AM

    I wonder if the Ohio law school grads got the same idea from Harvard, or came up with it independently. Here it is going to the state Supreme Court.
