Thursday, April 30, 2020

You Can't Have Fun Here, This Is A Beach!

I think some people like the exercise of raw power.  Generally these people become leftists:
California Gov. Gavin Newsom intends to order the closure of all state beaches and parks starting Friday, according to a copy of a memo provided to CNN by a senior law enforcement official.

"We wanted to give all of our members a heads up about this in order to provide time for you to plan for any situations you might expect as a result, knowing each community has its own dynamics," the memo says.

The closures are expected to be announced Thursday, and state park personnel will help in local efforts to close the sites, the memo said.

Newsom's office did not respond to CNN's request for comment.

The memo cited overcrowding of thousands of people at Southern California's beaches over the past weekend in the decision to announce closures.  link
Whether the lockdown "flattened the curve" or not, our hospitals haven't been inundated. Declare victory and end these lockdowns.  And ferchrissakess, leave the darn beaches and parks open.


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Didn't happen, so...

  2. It didn't? Article was updated later today and referenced Orange County beaches having been shut down. I don't see any information about state parks.

    Maybe sunlight was the disinfectant that caused Gruesome Newsom to back off just a little?

  3. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Not statewide. Your post says "all state beaches". In reality, saying "all state beaches will be left open" would be more correct. Why are you promoting fake news? You know what the truth is, but it doesn't mesh with your narrative?

  4. I only quoted CNN. You don't like what they have to say? Take it up with Chris Cuomo.

  5. It's pretty amusing after decades of training people to defy all forms of authority starting with parents and teachers and ending with cops and courts, California's liberals are seeing sheer defiance in regard to laws issued by the governor. I guess you reap what you sow. As for Anonymous above, there were plenty of video images of people at the beach all around LA.


  6. CBS Los Angeles

    Huntington Beach, Newport Beach and Dana Point city councils voted Thursday to challenge Governor Gavin Newsom's orders to temporarily close all Orange County beaches beginning Friday.
