Monday, April 20, 2020

Took My Ca$h, Kiss My A$$

I went in to school today to turn in a time card for tutoring before school shut down and to pick up some more teaching materials for my online lessons.  In keeping with my goal to spend my coronavirus stimulus money keeping local restaurants afloat, on the way home I stopped by Pizza Hut and picked up a small pizza for lunch.

It wasn't until I got home that I looked at the receipt, and that fired me up big time:
Look at the so-called service fee, and the justification for it.  "We don't want to raise our prices, so we're just going to tack on a fee to pay for these increases in the minimum wage that the California unicorns tout so much."  Increasing the price, which I see on the menu and online, would be honest.  Tacking on a fee that I don't know about until after I've paid for it is dishonest.

I will not be visiting Pizza Hut again.


  1. David7:36 PM

    The Pizza Hut near me has the same thing but it used to say for doing business in LA. The problem is that you see the TV ads like "Pizza for 9.99" so they cannot raise the basic price.

    The delivery fee for my local one is $5.25 plus tip so about $8-9 or basically the cost of one pizza.

  2. wow. incredible. And they actually put on there that it is there to offset CA costs.
