Friday, April 24, 2020

They'll Visit At Least Once

I've had more than a couple students tell me they haven't visited my YouTube channel to watch my instructional videos.  Essentially, they aren't learning.

So I had to think of a way to get them to go take a look, pronto.  It came to me in a blinding flash, a way to use teenage psychology.  I told them that in addition to the instructional videos, I've put every TikTok video I've ever made on that channel as well.  You should have heard the enthusiasm!

I've never made a TikTok video, and never will.  You'll note, though, that my statement was completely honest :-)

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that a lot from teachers--the kids aren't watching the videos, or they watch them but don't understand them.

    I just don't do the videos and do office hours. I do more office hours, spend more time explaining things in small groups, but then making those videos takes time, so it's a tradeoff I'm okay with.
