Thursday, April 02, 2020

Stuff Like This Doesn't Make Teachers Look Good

For all the "I'm a professional, treat/pay me as one" talk we often hear from teachers and their unions, stunts like this give a strong counter-argument.  We're supposed to be well-educated, upstanding members of the community:
A middle school teacher in Rhode Island is under investigation for reportedly tweeting that she will pay people infected with the coronavirus to cough on President Trump.

The Woonsocket School Department is investigating an unidentified teacher’s tweet that read, “Somebody with Covid-19, I will pay you to cough on #Trump.” The account has since been deleted, but subsequent posts show the user identified herself as a teacher at Villanova Middle School, according to NBC 10 News.
The teacher has been identified by name but I have decided not to identify her here.

As we used to say in the army (cleaned up a little, of course), "One ah-crap gets rid of 10 attaboys."


  1. Where I was stationed the going rate was 1 for 100.

  2. Your unit was more hard core, mine was more realistic :-)
