Friday, April 03, 2020

Just Got The Call

Just got a robo-call from my district, schools are closed for the rest of the school year.  Here's what it says on the district web site:
Based on guidance from both state officials and local health officials, and in coordination with other local school districts, (the school district) is extending the closure of our school facilities through the end of the school year.

This does not mean the 2019-2020 academic year is finished. While we will continue to stay physically apart, teachers and staff are quickly working to shift to a new model for delivering instruction. After spring break, teachers and students will engage in new lessons via distance learning which can take many forms.

We recognize this difficult but necessary decision may cause disappointment and understand the hardship that distance learning creates for our students, families and staff. Superintendent (Name) will be assembling a group of students to generate and review ideas on how we can best celebrate our graduating seniors’ achievements and support their post-secondary goals. More information on these efforts will be shared as they become available.

There are still many questions that need to be answered. Please know that we are working hard to address your concerns and will be in touch as we have updates. In the meantime, please see below for details about distance learning and what to expect as we return from spring break.
My district hasn't done horribly in its planning, but to be honest, there's not much buy-in from students.  They've stopped just short of telling us to pass everyone, as "grades don't matter".  I still don't have a warm fuzzy about how to give *math* tests to assess student understanding in this time.  Not sure how that's gonna happen.

Guess I'll figure it out, or come close trying, like everyone else.


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You could just have your stats classes do excel projects. Precalc students could do graphing exercises. I know you will come up with great content. You always do.
