Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Fighting Coronavirus With Coors

When I went to the doctor a few weeks ago, I was given a surgical mask to wear because of what people at work called my "coronacough".  As I've had it for years, it's certainly not due to coronavirus--more likely it's due to post-nasal drip from allergies.  But whenever I go out I've worn that surgical mask because it keeps people from giving me horrified looks whenever I cough.

A friend of mine sent a picture of him in a bandana.  I joked that I don't have a bandana--then it hit me.  I might!  So I dug through one of my drawers and found it.  I've had it for decades, so long that I have no idea where or why I got it.  It's certainly not something I'd have bought, it might have been given away as a promotion at a fair or something like that.  So now I can ditch that worthless surgical mask and step out in style:
I don't even drink beer.  Why on earth would I have this?  I don't know, but in my family we save everything because we might need it some day.  Who knew I'd need this for a pandemic!

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