Saturday, April 18, 2020


When I read this article
California Public School Teacher Admits to Teaching Her Students That Trump is Fascist, Trashes Republican Students On Social Media
I thought about the time my principal received a complaint because I wore a MAGA hat (a gift from a student, by the way) to school one day.  On "Hat Day".


  1. Duncan3:54 PM

    I'm actually very upset to hear that there was a complaint issued because of your hat. Even as a liberal, I have repeatedly had to explain to other liberals that wearing a MAGA hat doesn't make anyone inherently racist. I would personally never wear a MAGA hat as I don't support the campaign that it stands for, but as a former student of yours I respect your opinion and would hope that others would too. I still, 5 years after my graduation from Rio, read your blog because I find it to be a very useful source of conservative opinion from someone who I know is quite level headed and analytical. I really hope that teachers and administrators who represent public schools will not continue to suppress opinions. I especially hope that this woman learns that by teaching a high school government class she realizes that she has taken on the responsibility of sharing all viewpoints on the political spectrum without allowing her personal feelings to get involved. I know that my government and history teachers didn't let their opinions cripple their ability to teach in a non-partisan matter.

  2. I appreciate your kind words, and hope you continue to enjoy the blog!
