Sunday, April 05, 2020

Chronology of the US Coronavirus Response

A dispassionate view shows that President Trump comes out looking pretty good in response to coronavirus, considering that the actions he took early on (say, in January and February) were mocked as excessive, xenophobic, and/or racist.  Even more, he took action even when the CDC was downplaying the threat, which helped feed the "excessive" storyline.


  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Thousands of Americans are dying. What really matters? Trump's poll numbers?

  2. Truth *always* matters. Except to lefties, who want to impose their will on the rest of us "by any means necessary".

  3. A leftie commented, and I accidentally deleted instead of posted the comment. I own the mistake.

    The comment read something like, "even the end of the world is political to you."

    Uh, yeah. Let that sink in. *I* am the one making coronavirus political.

    Some people just can't handle anything that goes against their own thinking. ANYthing.
