Saturday, March 28, 2020

Why It's Hard To Take The Press Seriously These Days

Exhibit 8,000,000:


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Let's be honest. President Trump did the same thing along with most pundits on the right.

    The heroes hare are Tucker Carlson and, dare I say it, you. You used your math skills to point out the difference between covid 19 and the flu. And you did this when it wasn't necessarily popular on the left or the right.

  2. Only on the right? I recall the press and the left (but I repeat myself) savaging President Trump over the "travel ban" on flights from China.

    This event is unprecedented. There will be time for fingerpointing when it's over. But for those who want to point fingers now, I'll ensure they're notified of the three fingers pointing back at them when they do so.

    And while I appreciate the comment, I myself didn't use any math, although I did link to some very good videos and explanations of math.

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    People like you and Tucker Carlson deserve a big thanks for explaining that covid 19 was much more dangerous than the flu. There were powerful people like the Washington Post who were saying that it was no big deal and the flu was more serious.

  4. Let's not forget Nancy Pelosi encouraging people to attend Lunar Year Festivals in China town which ignores that many people from that region of the world travel extensively and likely were in China or Korea or Japan or Vietnam during the early incubation periods for COVID-19. My only other question beyond why this loony was promoting PC diversity in a time of impending pandemic was did she do this before or after she bought all that Amazon stock.
