Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Joy of Spreadsheets

At tomorrow's staff meeting the Math Department will honor two "Students of the Month".  The student I am honoring took Integrated Math 1 last year for the 3rd time and finally passed it (and not with a D, either).  This year, needing a 2nd year of math to graduate, he signed up for Financial Math, which means I got him for the 2nd year in a row.

Earlier this semester in Financial Math we learned about budgeting, and today I introduced spreadsheets to the classes.  Several students had no idea what a spreadsheet was, how to use one, or what one could do for you.  We started at Square One.

We talked about text, numbers, and formulas (e.g., adding or counting), and how they look when entered into the spreadsheet.  We talked about left/center/right alignment, and when it makes sense to use each of them.  We learned how to sort entries alphabetically/numerically, and how to format cells to show percentages or currency.  I even showed them how to make certain cells stand out by putting a colored border around them.  Really basic stuff.

Most students were attentive if not interested--but the student mentioned above seemed thrilled.  I'd show the class how to do something, give them some time to do it, and I'd watch as that one student's face would light up and he'd say softly "cool!"  He seemed like he was having a ball.

He put so much effort into passing IM1 last year, and he's put so much effort into learning the material in Financial Math this year.  Except for not earning straight A's, he's a model student--and that's why he's being recognized in front of the entire staff tomorrow.


  1. That's a great story. You probably changed this kid's life.

  2. I don't know about changing his life, but maybe I've taught him how to use a useful tool.
