Saturday, February 22, 2020

Uvas, Sandía, y Piña

Grapes, watermelon, and pineapple.  Those are the first things on my plate for breakfast each morning here at the hotel.  There are other goodies to be sure, but I've got to have these.  They make me feel like I'm starting off healthy for the day.

That's important because I've been sick since before I got here.  I'm sure I have bronchitis and I'm so tired of coughing.  I don't think it's gotten worse since I've been here, so there's that.

But it's time to go.  I just have to brush my teeth, pack up a few remaining things, and call an Uber.  I'll get home around midnight tonight, have a day to rest (and maybe go to a clinic for some treatment!), and then it's back to work.

I'm looking forward to camping during Spring Break!!!

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