Wednesday, February 26, 2020

First Time This Year

I haven't felt great for almost 2 weeks now, and that includes the time I was walking all over Panama City, Panama!  After two days back at work, yesterday I thought there was no way I'd make it through today.  I organized all of today's lessons, put in for a sub, and came home.

Got home around 5.  Laid down on the couch to watch some tv but didn't really feel up to getting the remote to turn it on, that's how exhausted I felt.  And then I was out.  Around 9:30 I got up and went to bed.

I'm trying to do absolutely nothing today, not even chores, in order to whip whatever is in my lungs.  I've got two more days of work this week, and I'm not going to miss them--or any others.  Taking one sick day a year is enough!

As I type this I got a text message from the teacher next door, letting me know which substitute teacher I got.  My classes are in good hands.

(For those of you who aren't teachers, you may not know that high school teachers hate missing class and having substitutes.  Often it's more work than if we'd been there ourselves, and often no actual teaching/learning takes place.  And who knows what the room will look like upon our return?  With my substitute, though--who was the jr high PE coach for some of my colleagues, which tells you how many times he's been around the block--everything will be fine.)

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