Saturday, February 29, 2020

California Democrats, Solving The Problems of Our Day

Fresh off of destroying jobs with AB5, California Democrats finally turn their attention to the needs of all those mothers shopping at Target:
A new California bill would require some retailers to have gender-neutral floor space inside their stores.

Assembly Bill 2826 (AB-2826), proposed by Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell) – would apply to all retail department stores with 500 or more employees.

It would do away with “boys aisles” and “girls aisles” and require that children’s products be offered in a single, gender-neutral section.
Ignore for a moment whether or not this kind of micromanagement is even a legitimate function of government (hint: it's not).  Is it not convenient to have toys and clothes segregated by sex?  Maybe even age?

Victory Girls blog is on it:
(Assemblyman) Low would have you believe there’s been a particularly evil sham perpetuated upon the public by not having sparkly-pink dresses with unicorns hanging with the green dinosaur t-shirts...

Now, does Evan Low really believe that parents and grandparents are too stupid to be allowed to shop for their own offspring without his benevolent guidance? That they have been paralyzed by signs reading “Girls Clothing 5-8”?

“Oh Harry, Susie really wants a Star Wars t-shirt for her 9th birthday, but they are all out of them here in the Girls section. Do you think we will be allowed to see if there are any in the boys’ department? What will happen to us if we are caught?” cried no grandmother ever.

This bill doesn’t concern any issue of safety or fraud. This is a bill that micromanages the decisions of businesses on how they market and display their products in their own stores. This bill makes an ideological judgment that there is no legitimate reason to have dresses in the girls’ department and boxer briefs in the boys’ department.
Will sanity win out?  It's not a safe bet here in the People's Republik.


  1. Anna A6:00 AM

    Being snarky, let's carry the idea even further. No Mens, No Womens, no Misses. Let everybody discover the joys of shopping as a woman, trying to figure out if a size 10 in one brand/style will fit similar to another brand.

  2. You think that applies only to women's clothes???

  3. Anna A3:11 AM

    All I know about men's clothes is that pants do come with measurements, so that you can have a good chance of getting a decent fit with knowing your numbers.

  4. Have you considered the Common Sense party?
