Sunday, February 02, 2020

An Orwelexicon for Bias and Dysfunction in Psychology and Academia

Joanne linked to this post--and I found it so illuminating that I just have to share my own favorites:
Adminomania: A delusion that increased administrative and bureaucratic intrusions into people’s lives will actually improve something, fueled primarily by a pervasive blindness to unintended negative side effects. See Title IX...

Bias bias: A bias for seeing biases, often manifesting as either claiming bias when none exists, exaggerating biases that do exist, or overgeneralizing to large swaths of life from studies finding bias in some narrow or specific context...

Chapeaurougeauphobia: Fear and loathing of Trump supporters...

Emotional imperialism: The strange belief that your feelings should dictate someone else’s behavior...

Equalitarianism: A dogmatic, quasi-religious belief that all groups are equal on all traits that matter, usually accompanied by the belief that the only credible source of group differences is discrimination and outrage at anyone who suggests otherwise. Often accompanied by the belief that women and minorities are inherently or essentially more virtuous...

Identity colonialism: The assumption that you have a better grasp of what’s harmful to a marginalized group than members of that group...

Kafkatrap: A rhetorical move whereby protesting your innocence is interpreted as proving your guilt. Example: If you deny that you are a racist, you are a racist...

Occam’s trumpet: Ignoring all possible alternatives to “bias” as explanations for inequality and triumphantly proclaiming that bias is pervasive...

Quackademic: A person in academia who should not be allowed around students...

Subjectiphilia: An infatuation with subjective experience as empirically triumphant, e.g., using “lived experience” as if it could end an argument.
As Instapundit would say, "Heh."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    The Schiff Show prime example of this garbage.
