Monday, January 06, 2020

Teacher Workday

Today was the last day of the 1st semester.  Students didn't show up today, it was a teacher workday.  I spent the day grading my last class of final exams (one students scored 100% and a few others scored above 96%), submitting grades, and preparing for the new semester.  I created and posted seating charts, updated my web site with the homework assignments for the next couple weeks, and got my grading program set up and ready to go.  When kids show up tomorrow, we'll hit the ground running--because I'll be as organized and on top of it as they've grown to expect from me.

The day started of slowly.  Our librarian offers a periodic "pop-up cooking" class at lunch, and today she was at the grill making pancakes, bacon, and sausage.  Some of us brought food, others of us brought cash, and it was a nice way to ease back into work.

Saturday's party offered up plenty of leftovers--chicken enchiladas, cheese enchiladas, refried beans, and beverages.  Several of us enjoyed a nice hot lunch today, with Diet Dr. Pepper and Martinelli's cider!   I have a few more large bottles of soft drinks left over, and I'll take in one a day so we'll have something to drink at lunch the rest of the week.

My low classes got bigger, my upper classes got smaller.  I think that overall I'm starting with just a couple more kids than I ended last semester with--so not bad overall.

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