Friday, January 10, 2020

Like I Said, It's The Parents

A couple months ago I wrote about all the stupid stuff we do in schools because of crazy parents.  We might have had a new winner in the Crazy Olympics this week.

I kid you not, this is true.  I confirmed it with the horse's mouth.

A parent came into the office and began ranting--and I do mean ranting--to one of our vice principals.  You see, the signs we have in front of school (including the marquee) are discriminatory against people who can't read.

Can't make this stuff up.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I had a couple of doozies from my sophomores this week, but you get the prize for that post! I don't know how admin. doesn't lose it with some of the things they get attacked about. I could never do it--I'd be to blunt. As I keep telling my 16 year olds: teachers and school staff have to be polite, and kind, and patient beyond belief, but the real world is not going to be like that. You talk or act like you are doing right now to me, and you will be fired, smacked in the mouth, or kicked out of wherever you are.

  2. Hard to believe people like that really do exist.
    And that person may even vote...

  3. I have to ask, what was his proposed solution?

  4. I don't know that there *was* a proposed solution. The parent just wanted to yell about something.
