Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Jordan Peterson Educates Climate Activist

"I'm suggesting that people who don't have their own houses in order should be very careful before they go about reorganizing the world...I think that generally people have things that are in their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with that they are avoiding and generally the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo-moralistic stances on large-scale social issues so they look good to friends and neighbors."
--Jordan Peterson, psychologist


  1. Very interesting video with thought-provoking ideas. No wonder I never heard of it.

  2. Unfortunately, he didn't educate her -- she kept her same opinions after. Her mind is made up firmly, and she is not accepting any data which goes against what she believes is true.
    On the other hand, Peterson wasn't actually aiming at her -- he knew that his actual audience was the fence-sitters in the audience, who needed a little push one direction or the other.
