Wednesday, January 08, 2020

FAFSA and the Draft

When I first learned about registering with the Selective Service, I was in junior high.  I knew I didn't have to register until I was 18 but I didn't care, I registered anyway.  I didn't even ask anything in return:
After a U.S. airstrike killed Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's Quds military force, in Baghdad on Thursday, Iran vowed "crushing revenge" against all responsible. Now, with #NoWarinIran, #TrumpsWar and #WorldWarIII trending on Twitter, users are looking into the draft — particularly college students about how the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) could play into their potential future military service.

Hundreds of Twitter users posted messages and memes insinuating that the draft, or selective service, will be put into place within the next few months. They also suggested that college-age students would be prioritized for service.

Concerns over an active draft and FAFSA's role in the service even shut down the Selective Service System's website because of the sudden surge in traffic.

The Selective Service System said on Twitter, however, that there's no reason for panic. They assured Twitter users that there is no active draft at this time and that the department is conducting business as usual. The government, they said, "would need to pass official legislation to authorize a draft."

Here's how the draft actually works...
No, you self-indulgent cowards, there's not a draft. You can now safely return to protesting the very country that gave you so much and in the process made you so soft and pathetic.

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