Monday, January 27, 2020

Battlespace Prep?

a)  Is he making up excuses in anticipation of not being able to get a job in what is arguably the best economy of my adult lifetime?
b)  Is he trying to show off his liberal bona fides?
c)  Is he writing just to complain about something?
A senior from Tulane University recently took to the pages of his student paper to proclaim that dressing and acting “professional” is racist … and “rooted in white supremacy"...

 From the piece:
... Punctuality centers whiteness. It is far easier for white men to get to work on time than Black people who are having to change their hair to fit the workplace’s professionalism standards. Nonwhite people have to spend significantly more time than their white counterparts on molding themselves to a white Western lifestyle before work.
“Coming from a Brown and immigrant family, I know that this country was not made for me,” Uddin concludes. Nevertheless, he says feels obligation to penetrate these professional (white) spaces in order to “make them better” for people like him.  link
The stupid, it hurts.


  1. I'd say this fellow is a sophomore (in the original sense) rather than a senior. He's been well-trained in how to talk the victim game and impress people with his virtue signaling.

  2. He's looking for publicity. Wonder who will remind him the NASA Mohawk Guy was hired for his expertise, not his hairdo. And many women will just ROFL...they know the MakeUp Tax is a heck of lot more cost than what this dude is whining about. Yes, dude, you must shower and keep your hair and its add ons clean if you want people to accept you ... there is no wind indoors to blow odors away.
    Mom's right.

  3. While I agree that some of this diatribe is a bit of sour grapes (if your tie is too tight you tied it wrong hero) there are some valid arguments stated. The fact that numerous studies I've read have showed that persons with black or foreign sounding names have a lower chance of getting an interview. I have actually dealt with people who specifically changed their name to have a better chance in the job market. This should not happen in a fair and equal hiring environment.

    I did find the part about punctuality interesting. In my 35 years in the workforce (military, civilian, state & Federal Guv'mint) I've never experienced this nor even heard of it. You were either on time or not and your skin didn't have any influence over repercussions.
