Monday, November 11, 2019

Veterans Day

It started as Armistice Day, commemorating the end of World War I--which until that time had been the bloodiest war in human history.  Thus we get this video from the British Army:

Coincidentally enough, I recently purchased this movie--only $15 at Target.  The "Making Of" featurette was as interesting as the movie itself.

Two wars later, President Eisenhower signed a law changing Armistice Day to Veteran's Day.  The holiday is to honor all veterans, Memorial Day in May is to honor those who died.

I recently read about the 1946 movie The Best Years of Our Lives, about 3 World War 2 servicemen who return home and have some difficulties adjusting.  Watched it Saturday night.  It was much more realistic than other movies of the time and addressed themes of alienation, of trying to reintegrate into society, of PTSD, of burying problems in alcohol.  It should be shown every Veterans Day.

For years my mother, a retired Army Reserve Sergeant Major, and I have gone to Applebee's on Veteran's Day.  This year she's in Cancun.  Not sure if I'll go to Applebee's or somewhere else, or if I'll go anywhere at all--but here's a list of restaurants offering free and discounted meals to veterans today.


  1. If you haven't seen it, highly recommend They shall not grow old. Came out around 2 years ago about British vets of WW-I. Also, the new Midway is worth a view. Saw it Friday and I was very pleasantly surprised. I had nightmares of another Pearl Harbor, but it does the battle, history, and men justice.

  2. Already saw They Shall Not Grow Old in the theater, just bought the DVD!
