Saturday, November 30, 2019

Retiring Overseas

I seriously considered giving up my job and getting a teaching job in an international school overseas, as a friend of mine did.  She could afford the hit to her California teacher retirement, I cannot--so I gave up on that dream. 

There's still the possibility of moving overseas *after* I retire.  I've looked into that for a couple years and the five cities mentioned in this article come up time after time in my readings:  Quito, Ecuador; Panama City, Panama; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Hanoi, Vietnam; and Lisbon, Portugal.  I stopped in Lisbon on a cruise about a year and a half ago--nice place!

1 comment:

  1. I highly recommend Portugal, Lisbon or elsewhere. I would go for Oporto myself but that is because it is the home of the great Port Wine Houses. Excellent climate, beautiful country, and the Portuguese as a rule love Americans. My first two trips there in the '80's I couldn't get them to let me buy my own drink. My wife and I might be your neighbors in the future!

    Truth in advertising: I've been married to a Portuguese national for 34+ years now so I might be a little biased.
