Wednesday, November 06, 2019

OK, Boomer

Much like "racist" was before it was overused to the point that it's lost its power to shock and awe, "OK, Boomer" is a retort that's sole purpose is merely to shut down the recipient.  I'm reminded of a comment mentioned by Jonathan Haidt:  That's a slur, not an argument.


The older I get, the more I find this to be true:  The reason the left celebrates a cult of youth is that young people tend to be ignorant and gullible, and that’s the kind of people who tend to buy the left’s bullshit.

Update, 11/20/19:

Update, 12/3/19This too:
The remark doesn’t bother me in the least; indeed, it gives me a good chuckle since it typically comes from someone who’s never paid a bill, raised a family, or planned and made sacrifices for retirement...

You want boomers and Gen Xers to take you seriously? You forget yours is the generation of grade inflation. Of minimal discipline, in and out of school. Of being carted around to sports and social functions by helicopter parents who cater to your every whim. In college, you run and cry to “bias response teams” when the slightest little thing offends you. Then you demand “safe spaces” and other measures to make you feel “welcome” and “wanted” …  like therapy animals, etc.


  1. There may be regional variations. I"m hearing 'ok boomer' here as the response to an argument when the elder shrugs and responds with a variation on 'I got mine, sucks to be you' rather than engaging in discussion.

    For ex: ed costs and the reason the boomer/greatest gen member decided not to fund state colleges or public school at the level that their parents did; instead choosing to use the state budget to fund their medical care and cadillac retirements for special interest groups.

    A second example is rent. Many of these people bought their single family rental houses well before the bubbles...back in the 70s. The rent is set monopolistically at 'market' despite nothing but minimal upkeep...which means college students who aren't drunks trashing the place are paying the price of a mortgage on a new house for a home that has the original 1950s windows, appliances, fixtures etc if they can't find a new construction apt. Its absurd to view the offerings at the same price point....for my son at state U and then early career: avocado stove with a visible draft from leaky windows, one bathroom between three bedrooms, on street parking or one bedroom each with their own bathroom and granite countertops plus storage plus off street parking for each student. You are far better off buying a new condo for your kid now as the slum lords supplement their SS off your kid's back.


  3. William Shatner is OKBoomer'd and has some fun replies:

  4. Vox

  5. They have it better than any generation before them and want to whine about it. How dare you! :P
