Thursday, November 21, 2019

An Abuse Of Office

Why shouldn't Gruesome Newsom have filed this case, right, lefties?  It's not like he had to spend his own money on it, only to be shot down 7-0 in the state Supreme Court:
President Donald Trump won’t have to release his tax returns to get on California’s 2020 primary ballot following a unanimous ruling from the state Supreme Court on Thursday that invalidated a new state law.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 27 into law in July to compel presidential and gubernatorial candidates to release five years of tax returns to get on California’s primary ballot. Jessica Patterson, chairwoman of the Republican Party then sued the state.
The law was unconstitutional on its face, but why not waste the taxpayers' money on his own little vanity project?
Jesse Melgar, a spokesman for Newsom, said in a statement that the governor will “continue to fight against the self-dealing, conflicts of interest and blatant corruption that have pervaded the Trump presidency"...
Newsom should look in the mirror.
“We’ve searched the record to determine whether or not the California Legislature even considered the California constitution in the drafting of SB 27. We didn’t find anything. Did you?” asked Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye.

The justices also highlighted arguments former Gov. Jerry Brown articulated when he vetoed a similar bill in 2017, saying such a proposal could set a “slippery slope precedent.”
When Jerry Brown is your voice of reason, you're in very bad shape indeed.

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