Monday, October 28, 2019

Return of the Jedi

After the (Washington Post) Empire struck back, Lord Vader had a change of heart (and hopefully will throw the Emperor down a deep shaft):
THIS JUST IN: U.S. Judge William Bertelsman today reversed course and ruled that attorneys for Nick Sandmann could start discovery for a portion of their lawsuit against the Washington Post over its coverage of the so-called Cov Cath incident. It turns out that on reconsideration, the Court found that at least three of the sued-upon statements were both defamatory and the complaint was plausible enough to warrant discovery...

Seems to me the Post has three options: 1) continue to publicly slime the teen; 2) admit they were in a rush to publish and took the word of a less-than trustworthy source (shades of Rolling Stone’s “Jackie”!) or 3) fight in court till the last dog is hanged and try to grind them down to settlement by attrition and financial exhaustion.
I'm rooting for Sandmann on this one.

1 comment:

  1. The tech companies are becoming every bit as monopolistic and despotic as anything in the Gilded Age. Bezos is by all reports the richest man in the world. He owns Washington Post. Whatever award Sandman gets, it's pocket change. The way to make a point is to change it to a class action suit because other students were also targeted. Make it hurt.
