Sunday, October 27, 2019

Grading and Literacy

Does anyone really believe this, or do they say such things only for attention?
Ball State University recently hosted a presentation to “engage with the question of how English language practices in college classrooms contribute to white supremacy"...

“This is because white supremacist systems like all systems reproduce themselves as a matter of course,” he said. “This includes reproduction of dominant, white, middle-class, monolingual standards for literacy and communication.”
President Bush talked about the "soft bigotry of low expectations."  Schools and universities should promote academic excellence and self-reliance, not excuses and self-pity.

It's the same view I hold regarding Seattle's proposed ethnic math standards.

Update, 10/28/19It's not always about your so-called social justice:
BUT OF COURSE: Social Justice Activist Gets Kicked Out Of Fellowship For Constant Complaints, Claims Racism. “The student, Julia Feliz, uses the pronouns ‘they’ and ‘them,’ and, according to other students in the program, would constantly tie every classroom issue to social justice issues. This took time away from science, and frustrated other fellows.”

I think she should have been booted for anti-immigrant prejudice:
A student from Nigeria said “the fellowship was an inappropriate forum for Feliz to make comments on social justice.” A student from Kenya said Feliz “was an activist in sessions” and that the activism “came out in every single session that we had.”

Feliz called these statements “NeoColonialism in real time.”
What an annoying twit.

1 comment:

  1. Just think of Ethnic Math as Ebonics Math. Making it real and keeping it woke.
