Monday, October 14, 2019

Another Crazy Cali-Unicornia Law

It's not like local school boards are better able to make these decisions than a one-size-fits-all law from Sacramento.  It's not like rural and urban kids, for example, might have different needs.  It's not like students in other countries are able to get up and go to school.  It's not like our kids, rather than getting more sleep, will just stay up later.  It's not like my students overwhelmingly vote, each year I ask them, to start school earlier in the day rather than later because they like their free time in the afternoons.  It's not like this will cause students to miss more school due to athletics (baseball, tennis, and water polo will be hit the most in 6th period).

No, none of this is the issue.  Some legislator knows better than everyone else, and our idiot governor agrees:
A new law Gov. Gavin Newsom signed on Sunday forbids California middle schools from ringing the opening bell before 8 a.m., and prohibits high schools from starting class before 8:30 a.m.

Schools must adopt the law before July 1, 2022, or sooner if they have collective bargaining units that allow negotiation before the deadline.
This is one of a long string of laws Gruesome Newsom has signed in the past week or so.

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