Friday, October 04, 2019

An Appropriate Response

I never dreamed I'd be writing a blog post in support of Justin Bieber, but when he's right, he's right:
Justin Bieber is responding to PETA after the animal rights organization slammed the singer over his decision to buy two part-exotic kittens that cost a total of $35,000.

In a statement to PEOPLE on Thursday, PETA Senior Vice President Lisa Lange spoke out against Bieber’s recent decision to purchase the expensive Savannah kittens, whom he named Sushi and Tuna, claiming that the singer does not “care” about helping animals.

Posting a screenshot of the PEOPLE story to his Instagram Story later on Thursday night, Bieber wrote, “PETA can suck it.”
That's the best response there is when countering all the wokescolds in the world today.


  1. Long ago, I was an administrator on an online bulletin board. We had a saying that came in handy on a daily basis: don't feed the trolls.

  2. I'm tired of people thinking that they have been endowed with the right to label others based on nothing but their personal opinions. He didn't break a law, he didn't do anything immoral.It just seems that all these tunnel focused organizations wait to pounce on people for the least little thing. It's tiresome and it's infected our culture so much that civil discourse is a thing of the past. What's more, some people think they have the right to invade our space with their opinions. I don't care what someone wants to say in public, but today I got an endless diatribe from Penzey's Spices-a company with which I have never done business. It wasn't an ad. It was a rant. I try very hard to keep politics off of my FB page. I didn't appreciate having what is a family & friends centered page which has so far avoided any major squabbled, littered with a rant from a self-declared advocate. I turned them in. I think it's a violation to claim you're posting an ad when really what you're doing is posting a political message.
