Thursday, September 26, 2019

What Will The Penalties Be?

Instead of insisting that disciplinary policies are racist, perhaps we should realize what hundreds of generations of our forebears knew:  that without insisting on rules, humans devolve into chaos.  You don't get better behaved children with less discipline.

This is just a sad story:
A California middle school student has been declared brain dead from injuries sustained during a fight at school last week, authorities said.

The Riverside County Sheriff's Department said Tuesday 13-year-old Diego, whose last name has not been released, was pronounced clinically dead despite "rigorous medical intervention and treatment efforts"...

The video, which was shared on social media, reportedly showed two teenagers punch Diego. As he fell to the ground, his head hit a concrete pillar. Fox 11 reported that that the first teen who hit Diego punched him again before fleeing the scene.

The two students involved in the attack, who have not been publicly identified because they are minors, were arrested on the day of the fight and remained in custody at a juvenile facility, according to the sheriff's department.

Additional counselors will be at Landmark Middle School to help students and staff "cope with the grief that will spread throughout the community," the station reported, citing a spokeswoman with The Moreno Valley Unified School District.
After they deal with the grief, perhaps they'll clamp down on fighting.  Home suspensions, anyone?  Let the parents deal with such idiocy as fighting.

1 comment:

  1. There are a couple of apps kids use to actually arrange fights. They schedule them, video them and put them online. These fights are often vicious and unsupervised. People get hurt. And yet in the background you hear kids laughing like this is hysterical fun.
