Saturday, September 21, 2019

Lefties Are Going To Get Whiplash, Changing Their Positions So Fast

Poop and needles all over the streets and sidewalks.  This is San Francisco.
Case in point, San Francisco is a dumpster of feces and used drug needles. Literally, hundreds of thousands of used needles a month get thrown onto the streets and they are overwhelming those tasked with picking them up. California’s ordinances on the homeless are only making matters worse, as the police can not move people off public sidewalks, leading to shanty towns popping up in business and residential areas. There’s even a law which says shop-lifting under $900 of merchandise is only a misdeamenor, which means thieves are able to walk into stores and take whatever they want up to that point with little chance of arrest or pursuit.

It’s just a mess. You know what else it is? Bad for the environment. Used needles, trash cities, and human feces are things you’d think the left would join with Republicans on in agreeing they are bad and have to go. But nah, they are complaining that the EPA is going to cite the violations and start fining cities for not doing their jobs.

Naturally, because Trump must be opposed, this has drawn gnashing of teeth from the left, who’ve suddenly decided they don’t like the EPA anymore after treating it as a sacrosanct, quazi-religious organization throughout the Obama years.
Smart people have said the Left isn't going to like living under the rules they've made--and they don't.

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