Monday, September 16, 2019

Do They Read Their Own Paperwork?

You've got to love silliness like this:
An upcoming science and technology symposium slated to take place at Williams College promises a unique feature: it will showcase “new” voices in the field, and those voices will only come from scholars of color.

“New Voices in Science and Technology Studies: A C3 Symposium,” set for early November at the private Massachusetts-based liberal arts university, invited scholars to submit papers if they represent a “historically underrepresented group.”

The call for papers specifies that means either “African Americans, Alaska Natives, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders.”

Part of the application process asked applicants to write a couple sentences proving themselves as a member of a “historically underrepresented group.”
Sounds typically leftie, correct?
Yet the application also provides an equal employment opportunity statement that people from all backgrounds are welcome.
"Equal opportunity"?  Clearly that phrase does not mean what it obviously means.

Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.  At least on this one topic, lefties are consistent.


  1. I ran across a similar conundrum when my daughter sent me a link to her friend from high school's website. I knew this girl from the time she was five until adulthood. I'm shocked by the way she is weaving far left political tomes throughout her product website. (It's a site for organic, botanical facial treatments, etc.) First she makes claims to have "cured" her cystic acne using these herbal remedies. Only, she never had cystic acne. She also claims "like all Texans (her words)" to have smoked cigarettes, used tanning beds and dyed her hair-which I know for a fact she never did any of those things nor are they indicative of an expected "Texas" behavior. The kicker was at the bottom of the site page the disclaimer "Proudly Made by a Queer Woman." Huh? I thought we were supposed to assume all people were capable of making things or doing a job. Furthermore, in my training via HR, we were told never to assume anyone's gender, sexual preference, race or religion. So is it now okay for everyone except straight, white, conservative Christians to self-label and lecture via their business outlets? It honestly doesn't make me inclined to buy anything because if someone lies once, it's that much easier to lie about other things, too.

  2. Anna A3:23 AM

    I wonder what would happen if a poor white from the Appalachian Mountains applied. Would they be considered as underrepresented, or as white.

    Personally, I think that they are under represented, but would but would not be surprised if treated as white.
