Thursday, September 19, 2019

Climate "Strike"

So some schools and districts are loudly announcing that they will allow students to miss classes tomorrow because an odd teenager from Sweden says we have some climate-related emergency.  Where are the adults?

(By the way, would those same schools trumpet such excused absences for students to attend the March For Life?)


  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    How is it a "strike" if there are no consequences?

  2. I've seen this before and so have you. Sure, there will be a few who actually march and act up. There will be five times more kids that use this as an excuse to skip school, go home, take a nap, have sex or drink or use drugs or even just go to the local skate park. I saw this in person with a protest ten years ago promoted by local LULAC activists. The Hispanic kids and some others marched up the main street to our town to allegedly protest in front of our less than commanding suburban city hall. The marched and laughed and shouted and threw things at cars, often running into the street to block traffic. They walked right past our city hall and ended up at the Target parking lot where the local police ticketed them for truancy, parading without a permit and various other issues. Two kids were arrested for possession. Three others were hospitalized for various heat related issues. Nothing changed.

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM


    You’re much more odd and simultaneously less politically effective, so...

    Try to contain your envy, old man.

  4. She'll be gone soon, like Camera Hogg and Cindy Sheehan before her, cast aside by lefties when they think she's outlived her usefulness. And I'll still be here, my mere *existence* a tremendous annoyance to you--and I like that.

  5. BTW, here are two pictures of me *not* having any political usefulness at all :-)

    They're from this post:

    Then end result of that exciting day? This post:
    It was a great day to be an American!

  6. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Ah, when you felt so emboldened that you violated your contract with your school district. Absent Without Leave. Using “Personal Necessity” on a school day for purposes of recreation. Lucky for you that you had a union to support you in the event that anyone held you to account for your contract violation.

  7. You're Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. If you think attending a rally at the Supreme Court--a case my side won, btw, "anonymous"--is a violation of my contract, please feel free to turn me in. I won't deny what I did, and you have my confession right here on my blog. Turn me in. Do it. See if your union supports me.

    Or be a coward, striking feebly at me from "anonymity".
