Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Trying It Again, Because I Look and Feel Gross

Nine years ago this week I started a diet and exercise regimen that allowed me to drop almost 25 lb in weight and 2-3 inches off my waist over about 4 months.  Tomorrow I start again, weighing about 5 lb more than I did in August 2010 and wearing even bigger pants.

Back then it was elliptical trainer in the morning, eating better, and a 2 mi walk in the evening.  This time it'll be a combination of elliptical trainer, exercise ball, eating better, and an exercise app.

It was these 2 pictures from my trip to Canada this summer that showed me just how far I have to go:

I'm not shooting for the moon here.  My target weight is still 20-25 lb higher than it was when I got out of the army.

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