Tuesday, August 27, 2019

New Scale

Now that I'm interested in losing weight, I've been stepping on my scale again.  It's an old digital scale, and it gives me a different number each time I step on it.  If I step on it 3 times in succession, the difference between the largest and smallest readings could be as much as 10 pounds!  How did I know which number is correct?  I just picked the number in the middle, and moved on.  And when I put that number into my weight loss app, I was told I was in the "moderate" category but very close to the next higher category.

Not trusting the digital scale anymore, I bought an old school spring-and-dial scale.  This new scale consistently weighs me in at about 10 pounds higher than the highest value from the old scale.  I put these numbers into the weight loss app--mildly obese.  My heart sinks.

Update, 8/28/19: I wish I could believe this, but I don't:
For the first time this fall, Princeton University will offer a course examining “the fat body” and how it is viewed by society.

Course texts include literature asserting that it is not actually unhealthy to be overweight, and that medical professionals “mislabel” people as overweight.


  1. Old proverb I heard years ago: Man with one watch knows what time it is. Man with two watches is never sure.

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    All the great teachers that I know have huge hearts. It’s what gives them the fortitude to invest in the kids life. The extra weight is just a large heart.

  3. Anonymous, I like the way you think! Now if only that extra weight were in the "pecs" region instead of the abdominal region!

    Steve--hadn't heard that one before, I like it.
