Monday, August 12, 2019

Last Day

Today is my last day of vacation.  I go back to work tomorrow, and students show up Thursday.

I haven't been happy at work the last couple of years.  This year I'm going to modify my philosophy somewhat and see how that works.  Someone comes to me with a problem and wants/expects me to fix it?  My mantra is going to be "no es mi problema."  And rather than getting upset at every stupid thing that comes down the pike, I'm going to remember the saying, "The problem isn't the problem.  The problem is how you react to the problem."  Water off a duck's back.

It sounds worse than I intend.  I'm just going to disengage a bit and concern myself only with the things over which I have control.


  1. Good luck. That was my attitude my last two years. Today I thought I'd be back in the classroom this time last year, but I simply could not do it. Financially we're okay. I'm still in a transition mode, looking to pick up a part time job somewhere. But although I kind of stalk my school's website (they still have me listed as department lead) I'm glad I'm not going back. Looking at it now, I should have left much sooner.

  2. LeftCoastRef9:33 PM

    Yesterday was the start of my 24th year. I too have adopted the "I'm going to do my job and not get involved in trying to solve other's problems." My students deserve me in a good mood, ready and willing to teach them. Even if in CA that means jumping through way too many hoops with PD-that-isn't. Good luck this year Mr. RotLC.
