Sunday, August 04, 2019

As If Flying Isn't Bad Enough Already

This is sure to save the world:
Starting Aug. 20, San Francisco International Airport will ban the sale of single-use plastic water bottles, including in cafes, restaurants and vending machines. It’s the first such policy in a major U.S. airport.
I'm of two minds about bottled water.  I grew up in a world in which water wasn't sold in bottles.  If you wanted a drink, you went to a drinking fountain.  Buying regular ole water in a plastic bottle has always seemed a little weird to me.  Of course I get the convenience, but it's my opinion that too many people spend too much money buying bottled water (and coffee, and fast food, etc.)--yes, it's their money and they can do what they want with it, but I think a lot of people are making bad financial decisions when doing this.

I'm not ready to force people to live like I think they should, however.  I'm not a leftie.

Let's make a list of what we're supposed to carry around now:
shopping bags
water bottles

What's next?  Tell me in the comments.

(I've long joked that restaurants are going to start copying hotels and airlines and charge us fees for using dishes, having food delivered, etc.  I fear being Cassandra on this one.)


  1. David2:54 PM

    What's next to ban are those plastic lids you get for your cups.

  2. reusable personal toilet paper.
    Won't you think of the trees, and all the chemicals and carbon-based energy used to bleach and manufacture all that TP? Single use is SOOOOO bad!

  3. Pseudotsuga, do you mean this?

  4. Yeah, that's the ticket!
    All toilet tissue will be abolished, and products like that will be necessary everywhere.
    What's that you say? Increased water use to wash these things, which endangers the Delta smelt? Well, golly...this just isn't progressive enough.
    We can go back to using leaves -- there are plenty of them around, and we can reduce fire danger, too! Recycling is fun, kids! Just watch out for those poison oak leaves...

  5. Anna A3:09 AM

    I feel sorry for the travelers. They can't bring water through security and now they can't buy bottles of water to take with them. I doubt if the cafes and news stand type of stores will have a way to fill up personal bottles.

    Darren, I think the same way you do about water bottles. I have even seen them in church. (and we are supposed to be in at least a one hour fast before communion) I tend to use them mainly when I travel; for work I make tea in my reusable ones.

  6. Then there's this:

    IT’S COME TO THIS: “McDonald’s has admitted that its new paper straws, rolled out last year to help ‘protect the environment,’ can’t be recycled — unlike the plastic versions they replaced.”

  7. PeggyU2:13 AM

    Seems like they are working on banning gas appliances. I am not down with that.

  8. I'm waiting for the time when we get grades on what we buy at the grocery store. It's coming, you know it is. Some goody goody in government will think we can be shamed into buying good stuff which in turn will become produce in the landfills. Can you imagine what kind of grade we would get if shopping for Thanksgiving or the Super Bowl Game?
