Thursday, June 27, 2019

Who Thought This Was A Good Marketing Ploy?

I received this in the mail today:
Well, that's odd.  I'm not a CTA member, and haven't been for many years.  They held out an offer of a $25 gas card, so I let my curiosity get the better of me.  I opened the mislabeled envelope.

Yawn.  It was an ad for car insurance:
OK, not interested. 

But here's what's on the back page:
This company sent me something, and then tells me I'm not allowed to read it?  If you don't want me to read something, don't send it to me.  But for them to say something intentionally offensive like that?  Screw you, California Casualty.  And I defy you to beat USAA's prices for comparable insurance.

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