Monday, June 10, 2019

My 2nd Pro Football Game

Back in the 90s, a friend took me to a pre-season Raiders game at Stanford Stadium.  It was the Raiders' first season back in Oakland, and I enjoyed myself immensely at that game.

Now, about 25 years later, I'm going to my second pro football game.

I'm going to be in Canada in about a month, and I just bought tickets to see the hometown BC Lions!  Two tickets (plus blood for Ticketmaster) set me back a whopping CDN$56, around US$45.  For two tickets to see a professional football game!

Last Friday night's pre-season game against the (hated) Calgary Stampeders was posted in HD on YouTube, so I watched it yesterday.  I refamiliarized myself with some of the CFL rules, having first learned them when Sacramento had a CFL team during the league's ill-fated expansion into the US market in the 90s, and I learned the coach's name and that of the 3 quarterbacks and top receiver.

I'm ready to go be BC's biggest fan.  Let's go Li-ons!

Update, 6/12/19:  I was not thinking when I wrote that post.   Sacramento had a team in the World League of American Football--they even won the World Bowl!--and when the WLAF folded, that team (including the coach!) morphed into Sacramento's CFL team when that league temporarily expanded into the US market.  I attended both WLAF and CFL games, so this will most certainly not be only my 2nd professional football game.  But it will be the first one since the Clinton administration!

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