Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Most of my checkout process had been completed yesterday.  This morning I locked up my classroom electronics, cleared off my desk, and called it a day.


I turned in my key and was checked off by the principal.  Contractually I was obligated to work until 3pm, but I didn't.  I doubt if anyone did.

I was done well before 10:30, but needed to attend a 504 meeting at 10:30.  That lasted longer than they usually do, but I still got out before I expected to.

I hitched up my trailer to my pickup last night and towed it to work.  After my meeting I got all new tires on the trailer.  And as I'd screwed up the tongue jack last night, after the tire store I drove over to the RV repair shop.  Bah, trying to fix the tongue jack wouldn't be worth it, it would be easier just to replace the whole jack.  How about electric?  Sure!

No more repairs!  None!  That's it!  I'm taking off on a little trip tomorrow.  Blogging will be light (who knows how wifi connectivity will be) but I'll try to post some pictures.