Friday, June 28, 2019

Democrats Never Change

It started up again with someone throwing a milkshake at a British politician, and then some leftie thought she was perfectly justified in throwing a drink at a US Congressman.  Such assaults cannot be allowed to stand:
Rep. Matt Gaetz will press charges against the woman who allegedly hurled a drink cup at him, the Florida congressman said Thursday.

“I am going to press charges ... I think it’s really important to send a message that we as conservatives have a right to our views, just like anybody else has a right to their views,” Gaetz said in an interview on Fox news the night before.

“If there are no consequences, maybe it’s me getting hit with a drink one time, but what if it's a member of my staff? And what if instead of a drink it’s acid, or urine?"...

Hitting Gaetz with the projectile in Pensacola comes as British protesters capture headlines for drenching rightwing political figures — including Brexit leader Nigel Farage — in milkshakes.

Police have charged Amanda Kondrat’yev, 25, with misdemeanor battery, the Pensacola News Journal reported
It seems that Democrats have a history of dumping food and drink on people with views they don't like:
How dare that black woman sit at a Woolworth's counter!

Her name was Anne Moody, and you can read more about her and this particularly ugly incident here, here, and here.

Assaulting people in this manner was wrong in 1963 and it's wrong today.  Democrats still haven't learned that, 56 years later.

UpdateIn related news, kudos to Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago:
News that a waitress at Chicago’s Aviary spat on the president’s son has drawn everything from ire to support from everyone, from social media commenters to, now, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot...

Many commenters, including Lightfoot, were pressing for The Aviary’s owners to take action against the employee.

Lightfoot said she spoke to Eric Trump after he reported being spit on by the waitress in what Lightfoot said was a “repugnant” incident, and she called on the restaurant’s owners to “take appropriate action” against the employee.

“I spoke to Eric Trump and checked in with him about what had happened,” Lightfoot said Thursday at an unrelated event. “Look, I think this: Civility matters, and we may not agree, and in my case I don’t agree with a lot of things President Trump stands for. Our values are different. But you cross the line when you assault someone. ... No one deserves that.
It was wrong in 1957 Little Rock, and it's wrong today.

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