Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Fighting Snowflakes

Maine bans all Native American mascots in public schools:
On the heels of changing the Columbus Day holiday to “Indigenous People’s Day,” the state of Maine has now banned the use of Native American names and mascots in public schools and colleges.

Maine is the first, and thus far only, state to forbid such imagery.

Governor Janet Mills signed the bill into law yesterday. The vote on the bill was divided along party lines, with the Democratic-controlled legislature ultimately prevailing.
I'm sure this solves many non-existent problems and fails to solve any real problems.

1 comment:

  1. They should have asked any of the Natives who still live in Maine (Passamaquoddies and Penobscots) for their opinion on this.
    Oh, but it's all virtue signaling for woke status, anyway, so what the natives think about would be considered irrelevant compared to their own "white guilt." I guess they ran out of other real problems to fix via legislation (as if legislation really fixes problems like "racism" or "social injustice").
