Sunday, May 26, 2019

Scratch Tim Cook, And A Marxist Bleeds

Tim Cook, the head of Apple, is an awful little Marxist, isn't he?
During Tulane University’s recent commencement ceremony, Apple CEO Tim Cook confessed to the graduating class that “in some important ways, my generation has failed you.” He’s right, but for all the wrong reasons.

Cook told the students he regrets that his generation “spent too much time debating” – a strange lament in a democratic republic. How does Cook wish his generation had behaved?

“We’ve been too focused on the fight and not focused enough on progress,” he said, referring to the issue of climate change.

Our nation’s deliberative processes might suffice for trivial political questions, but when it comes to important issues like climate change – or global warming, or global cooling, or whichever pseudo-scientific term the politicians parrot this week – Cook seems to believe we must suspend our nation’s system of self-government in favor of whichever policy progressives deem necessary.
Lord, save us from those who seek to save us from ourselves.
By the end of his speech, Cook took to fear-mongering. The “threats and danger” have become too great. We must stifle debate and give the government room to grow if we hope to stop the disasters “that seem to be happening more and more frequently,” he said.
I know what let's do, let's draft a Five Year Plan!

Government doesn't need to grow. It needs to shrink.

Cook is an idiot.


  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Trump supporter derides *anyone* for "fear-mongering" [Only TRUMP is allowed to use that tactic!]

    Calls the CEO of the most successful corporation in the world an idiot [Did that make you feel big?]

    Adores the idiot who calls Tim Cook "Tim Apple".

    So. Very. Rich.

  2. The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.

    Thomas Paine

    Tim, remember how your predecessor was a ruthless SOB and capitalist? Follow him.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Calling others “idiots” is clearly important to you. It makes you feel powerful.

    The rest of us just laugh at it. Honestly. But don’t let that stop you. It’s clearly very dear to you. Keep shaking your fist at the sky.

  4. Yet, you attack *me*. Think of that for a minute. You don't attack my points, you attack *me*.

    One of us is small, and it isn't me. (There, I narrowed it down for you.)

  5. Anonymous2:56 AM

    News flash: Guy who takes pride in calling others “idiots” gets knickers in twist when he feels he’s being personally attacked.

    You can’t make this stuff up. As predictable as it is amusing.

  6. Pointing out your glaring inconsistencies is hardly getting my "knickers in (a) twist". Yes, I'm aiming for the low-hanging fruit here, but you don't really provide me with anything higher.
