Saturday, May 04, 2019

School Discipline

These same people wouldn't put up with the ridiculous crap for 5 minutes that they want me to put up with for the next 9 years:
American adults surveyed about improving school discipline tended to favor supportive solutions, like school climate efforts and additional training for teachers, over stricter practices like detentions or suspensions.

The poll, conducted by Gallup on behalf of Communities in Schools, found that 43 percent of respondents believe most teachers are "prepared" or "very prepared" to handle discipline issues in the classroom. And 54 percent of respondents said most teachers are "unprepared" or "very unprepared" to handle discipline...

Of the survey respondents, 90 percent said that, in addressing discipline issues, it would be "very effective" or "somewhat effective" to provide more training for educators on appropriate discipline practices.  link
At least 90% of teachers would like more parents to get more training on effective discipline practices at home.  That way, we wouldn't have to discipline their kids so much.

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